

Due to a technical error, this weeks episode is a little late...We have a special guest on this episode, his name is Joel. Joel was previously the Rent-A-Crowd, but has ascended to be a panel guest… And while he has never owned a car, he has drunk many a beer, so he’s at least 50% qualified to be on our pokey lil podcast. We crack into it with an argument about motorbikes, Joel’s area of expertise… Afterwhich we get on topic and talk about cars, specifically the LA Motor Show.We start talking about Mazda’s commitment to keeping cars about the driver, rather just an autonomous tool to get from A to B. We then transition into a discussion about the MX5, the 86, and the Aussie exclusive 70 Series Toyota Landcruiser.Mitch introduces a new segment called ‘Watt the Fuck?’, the first topic is Elon Musk sending his Tesla Roadster to Mars orbit, which is bloody awesome.Matt asks the panel “what is the most ‘Basic Bitch’ car?“, which turns out to be t