Gears And Beers: The Unashamedly Unprofessional Automotive Podcast

The Bold and the Beautiful



We're late again this week, sorry about that, but to make up for it, there'll be a special bonus episode later this week as well.We start this week in the usual fashion, with an argument, and a discussion about 'The Bold and the Beautiful', for some reason.Then we break trend and talk about beer, and this week, it's a rather beer that raised mixed emotions. This week we're talking (arguing and yelling) about Holgate's Norton Lager.If you want to skip ahead past our bollocks, skip to the 10:00 minute mark.Joseph gives Matt his budget for the game 'Finder's Fee', with which he is to find 3 cars. The budget this week is $200,000.00The first news topic we actually discuss this week is Hot Wheels' 50th Anniversary