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BRAIN HACKING FOR YOUR KIDS (AND FOR YOU TOO)!!! Stephanie Brilliant | Health | Fitness | Parenting | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted happier, more resilient CHILDREN, then do we have the BRAINIOUS show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Stephanie Brillant, French film-maker, mother of two, Senior Report and TV Host, and the creator of a fascinating new documentary, Brainious. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how we help our kids grow there minds, and become healthier, happier, and more resilient. Brainious Film Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include?   What was the biggest impact on Stephanie Brillant’s brain as a child What’s wrong with trying to reason with a child? What do we do if a child is afraid of monsters – and what’s the one thing NOT to say! What is a social brain? What does it mean for mother and baby to be “entuned”? What’s the best predictor of how well children turn out? What’s secure attachment, and why is it so important? What are the 4 S’s of secure attachment? What’s the marshmallow test, and what can we learn about our kids brains (and ours) from it? What do