The Lively Show

TLS #288: Self-judgement, eating issues & resistance to your inner voice with Sierra Molesworth



We're back with another TLS episode, and this one is all about freedom! We've got a brand new session with a client named Sierra Molesworth, and I share lots of details I've never talked about before on TLS. Sierra and I discuss some of the most common ways people build cages for themselves in their lives, and how to break free. If you've struggled with self-doubt, judgment, eating issues, resistance to your Inner Voice, negative self-talk, or any other "trap" in your life - and most of us have - this episode is for you. I work with Sierra on a powerful trick I use to shut down the mind's negative stories about who we are. We also cover some popular questions: Why is travel so aligning, and how can we replicate that feeling at home? And what if your alignment time isn't full of "spiritual" stuff like yoga and crystals and meditation? I'm so excited to share this one with you. It's something really special! Let’s go to the show. : )       [Tweet "“To be crazy is ultimately to not