Ham Radio Now

HRN 393: Tech 'Enhanced'; Lisenco on the Hudson; What's Next at myARRLvoice



Dan KB6NU, Marty N6VI(in studio guest!), and Gary KN4AQ join David W0DHG for the first show recorded from the West Coast Studio. We talk about the new ARRL proposal to the FCC to add HF privileges for Tech class licenses. We also talk about the Hudson Division Town Hall and MyARRLvoice.... Gary plays several clips lifted from the Hudson Division Town Hall webinar (February 2018) in which Director Mike Lisenco N2YBB makes some strong (and unsupported) statements about the censure of fellow Director Dick Norton N6AA, at one point accusing Norton of creating a "toxic environment" at the Board. You can hear a full, unedited recording of that Town Hall (with noise reduction to eliminate a loud hum on Lisenco's audio) at the HamRadioNow web site for Episode 393:  https://www.hamradionow.tv/episodes/2018/3/5/hrn-393-tech-enhanced-lisenco-on-the-hudson-whats-next