Concordia Adult Bible Class

All I Want For Christmas Is…Legos



Lego Board Games are games you build yourself! And as you build them, you also try to beat your opponents. In Matthew 2, we are introduced to Herod the Great. Herod was known as quite a builder. He was the one who expanded the temple in Jerusalem to an untold splendor. He was the one who built fortresses such as the Herodium and even built a whole new city – the Caesarea Maritima. But Herod was also paranoid that someone would seek to take his power and prestige. So when some Magi from the east come inquiring about “a King of the Jews,” Herod becomes immediately jealous, believing that someone is trying to steal his throne. Sadly, during Christmas, our penchant for jealousy often comes out as we compare ourselves to those who more than us. Are we satisfied with what we do – and do not – have?