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HOW TO FIND GREAT, POSITIVE, POWERFUL CHANGE THIS FALL!!! CJ Liu & Michael Sandler | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted brilliant change and fall colors in your life, then do we have the equinox change show for you. Today we’ll talk about taking chances, getting uncomfortable, and making great change for the fall, along with the seasons. Great Change with the Seasons Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: What in the world is a safe heel? What does it mean to make great change for the fall? What does it mean to move along with the seasons? What it means to shuffle things around for the fall? Why we want to step back and look at everything in our lives – with an eye for change? What it means to shift your sleep schedule for the fall? What it means to build yourself strong for the fall? How you can help Inspire Nation – what are you looking for in Daily Videos? What it means to step back and ask how you can change things up – and why you want to ask others for their help too!!! What it means to be lit on fire??? What it means to take inventory? What does it mean to trim away and find your focus??