Coach Corey Wayne

Mastering The Art Of Letting Go



The importance of mastering the art of letting go so you can create the life and lifestyle you’ve always wanted, and to attract the kind of friends and lovers you really deserve. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss three different emails from three different viewers. The first email is from a viewer from the United Kingdom who joined the British Infantry Reserves after watching my videos on discovering your purpose in life. He’s getting a lot of pushback from friends and family who are busting his balls about his choices and he asks how to deal with their verbal assaults and lack of support. He’s obviously still attached to and worried about what other people think about him. The second email is from a viewer who asks what is love really? He’s read my book twice already, but he’s struggling with how to balance letting go and being attached to whether or not a woman will choose to stay with him, or leave him for someone else. The third email is a great email success story.