Coach Corey Wayne

Proper Use Of The No Contact Rule



How to properly use the no contact rule to get your ex back or to re-attract a woman you pushed away and turned off by over-pursuing. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who got dumped and blown off by his ex-girlfriend of two years by acting like a woman, losing his center and as he puts it, by acting like a “needy lovey-dovey mangina.” In the beginning of the relationship he was doing everything right and acting like an alpha male, but slowly over time he says that he became the woman in the relationship. He finally told her he was not interested in being friends and only wanted to see her romantically. After four months of no contact, she reached out and basically told him that she could not live without him. She is also vacillating back and forth between him and another guy and is often confused. He asks what he can do to fully re-attract her and cause her to completely disengage from the other guy and choose him for good.