Coach Corey Wayne

The Moment You Start Losing Her



How to avoid the common mistakes most guys make to turn a woman off, give their power away and prevent the occurrence of the moment you start losing her. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who has a fourth date tomorrow with a woman he is very interested in. He shares some of their text exchanges over the past week. One of the nights when he was texting with her, he had been drinking which caused him to be a little cocky and brazen. After four days when he did not hear from her, even though he had a date set up for the next day, he started a nonsensical and pointless texting conversation with her. This email is a good illustration of, and pinpoints, the moment that most guys start doing and saying things to sabotage their success, turn a woman off and start losing her. I tell him what he needs to do to prevent from ruining his chances with the kind of woman he’s always dreamed of dating.