Church Planter Starter Kit

09: An Interview with Rusty Langford about Blogging, pt 1



Church planters serious about engaging culture with the gospel should consider blogging. But the obvious question is… Where does a church planter find time to blog? Today’s episode features part one of an interview with Rusty Langford, a church planter with Acts 29 and Soma in Tennessee. Listen as Rusty and I tackle this question! 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. How to deal with the common objections you have about blogging. 2. How to come up with killer blog content without killing yourself. 3. Why blogging is a missionary tool with massive gospel potential. Grab Your Free Resource: 20 Topic Ideas to Kickstart Your Blog I’ve handpicked 20 killer topic ideas to get you going fast. That’s right. You’re first 20 blog post articles are waiting for you. Get yours at