Faith & Good Counsel Show With Staci Gulino

FGC #308: “Pondering Things Catholic” – with Fr. Paul Gros



Announcing...the "Pondering Things Catholic" podcast with Fr. Paul Gros! On today's episode of the Faith & Good Counsel show we have the gift of getting to know a bit about Fr. Paul Gros, and his new podcast being produced in the Faith & Good Counsel studio. We had a lot of fun with this episode, with "becoming acquainted" with Fr. Paul in the first segment, and in the second segment heading into an idea of what you can expect from the episodes "in the can". There's also a little something new that I'm debuting in this episode - the first Faith & Good Counsel Inspirational Minute!  You'll hear this one tucked nicely between today's two show segments.   I simply know you will come to love Fr. Paul as I have. You might consider having your prayer journal and scripture handy - his episodes may just be some of those that pique a the desire to take out your favorite pen and jot some notes for pondering:)  As you will find over time, Fr. Paul has a gift for piercing right to the heart with theology + overall h