Dewey Bertolini's Podcast

Jesus in HD (Bonus Podcast) -- His Eye is on the Sparrow



This week, my dear bride and I are ministering at a place near and dear to our hearts -- Hume Lake Christian Camp. But fear not, my friends. I have not left you in the lurch. In this Bonus PODCAST, you will hear a message that I spoke at Hume some two years ago, one that contains my favorite and most personally meaningful biblical principle.  Jesus used a metaphor familiar to His original audience -- yet a metaphor not so familiar to us -- to convey one singularly significant thought. What His listeners heard Him say that day -- and what you will hear Him say to you today, especially after understanding this most meaningful metaphor -- is this: “I will take care of you NO MATTER WHAT!” Please note that depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play. HAPPY LISTENING!!!