Refuse Defeat With Megan

#005 Bad Business Partners — Talk to Your Business Partner About These 8 Topics



Do You Need a Business Partner? Have you lost time from a bad business deal? What about thousands of dollars? Ugh, what a stomach wrenching situation. You may be losing a relationship with a family member or a friend. This is someone you trusted to build your dream business, and they failed you. They potentially failed employees, your community and your reputation is on the line. When something starts to go wrong or went wrong, address the problem. Follow your gut feeling with each situation. If you ever feel like something may have been unethical or it may keep you up at night - address it as soon as possible. Communication really is #1 with a business partner. Here are some pointers to talk about prior to partnering in business: Review Personal Finances - how will bills continued to get paid while you are in “start-up”? What happens if the business needs more money? What happens when… anything to do with money. Depending on your business this can be a make or break situation. You want to know your part