Drop Panda Podcast

ToysRus, Hereditary and how the next generation is screwed !! - Drop Panda Podcast #8



Starring: Adam, Julz, Dylan and Duke Discussing the closure of Toys R Us and how it is changing the current generation with the abundance of mobile games, iPads and Social media taking over. How Netflix, games and any other source of entertainment is disrupting our personal and professional life. We also talk about the approach the movie Hereditary takes to the movie industry and how unlikable characters can make and break a show. Apple Podcast: itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/feed/id1368060977 Anchor: anchor.fm/drop-panda-podcast Youtube:www.youtube.com/channel/UC91SdnrD9yNk3OXtfqr54dQ Email: droppandaproductions@gmail.com Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ggu1cQrNMPTvMcZtQGfaI