Journeythroughthegate's Podcast

Journey Through The Gate's Ep. 17: Spirits Speak with Connie & Barry Strohm



This episode is one of my favorites so far! I have known of Barry Strohm since his first interviews just getting used to his and wife Connie's antique store in Pennsylvania , that just happens to be extremely haunted! A non believer at first, Barry had a very successful career in civil engineering, and was just interested in antiques and history. The spirits had another plan in place. As many in this paranormal, Supernatural community, he found him self gradually introduced to the wonders of spirit. Writing his first book Haunting and History of the Battle of Gettysburg started with paranormal photography! Then as his psychic abilities increased, he began writing books on communicating with the spirits on the other side of the life veil! Take a walk through the gate with Sysco, Connie and Barry Strohm, as we talk about Barrys books Afterlife What Really Happens on The Other Side, Aliens Among Us: Exploring Past and Present,  Spirits Speak of The Universe, Spirits Speak of Mysteries and Conspiracies,& the