Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Release and Renew in the Womb of the Dark Goddess



In this time of the dark moon, the Dark Mother Goddess invites us to release deeper layers of shadow that have brought us to "a place of reckoning." This is where we can no longer hold on to beliefs, feelings and behaviors that are in direct conflict to being, doing and having more. We are simultaneously guided into the Womb of No-thing, the Womb of Darkness or simply, The Void. This is the potent and fertile birthplace of form- a place of Pure Being or PURE ESSENCE. This place contains no matter, no form, yet it is ripe with the infinite potentiality and power of new ways of BEING. It is the nourishing manna of pure creation, freedom and Source essence that allows us to experience the sacred alchemy of transmuting desire into form. This process of releasing and renewing in the Womb of the Dark Goddess is overseen by The Council of the Dark Mother. It is made up of 4 Goddesses who are part of the Goddess Oracle Template- Kali, Lilith, Sekhmet and Morrigan. There are 10 Goddesses in the Goddess Oracle Templat