Church Planter Starter Kit

08: Church Planters Should Blog…About What?



Church Planters Should Blog…About What? If you’re planting a church, you should blog. The rewards are worth it. I outlined some of the winning reasons to blog in episode 7. The next big question is, what should you blog about? This episode answers that question for you! 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. Find out EXACTLY what you should blog about (Hint: You already know what it is.) 2. Take a load off and see why the kind of blogging I want you to do is waaaaaay easier than you think. 3. What your simple goal is for starting a blog so you hit the target every time. Grab Your Free Resource: 20 Topic Ideas to Kickstart Your Blog I’ve handpicked 20 killer topic ideas to get you going fast. That’s right. You’re first 20 blog post articles are waiting for you. Get yours at