Lbp Stories

Episode 60. Robert Franklin JD.



Robert Franklin has been an attorney in Texas since 1980, and a Men’s and Fathers’ Rights Activist since 1998. He has written the blogs for, Fathers & Families, and now the National Parents Organization. He’s contributed op-eds and essays to numerous online and hard-copy publications, including The Hill, the Toledo Blade, The Seattle Times, The Bakersfield Californian, the Manchester Union-Leader, A Voice for Men, Men’s E-News, Townhall, and many others. He works daily with men, fathers, mothers, activists, attorneys, social scientists throughout the English-speaking world to promote the recognition and rights of men, fathers, and children, in equality and family courts. He currently blogs for the National Parents Organization, the largest organization in the country advocating for equal parents’ and fathers’ rights. Over the last five and a half years, he has written over 2,100 blog posts, postings, comprising some 3,500,000 words. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Parents