Lbp Stories

Episode 62. Jolly Bimbachi’s escape from Syria.



In October last year [episode 20] I first spoke to Canadian LBP Jolly Bimbachi about her 2 sons who were abducted by their father to Lebanon. A few weeks later she contacted me to let me know she was going to Lebanon in an attempt to see her boys. She was able to spend several weeks seeing them. Then I got a message from her to inform me that she was on the run with them, in an attempt to get to Turkey. The ensuing weeks became a life or death situation for Jolly as she was arrested and detained at gun point by Al Qaeda affiliates in Syria, and had her boys taken from her once again. This is the story of how this badass mum, was able to get out of Syria and back to Canada, but unfortunately, once again without her boys. Listen to her original episode Warnings about travelling to Lebanon Media reports about Jolly