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HOW TO FIND MORE TIME TO THINK & MAKE BETTER DECISIONS FAST! Peter Bregman | TED | Career | Meditation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you ever feel like you’re being squeezed, short on time, short on attention, and short on the bandwidth you need to make smart decisions, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with Peter Bregman, best-selling author 18 Minutes: Find our Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done, and his latest award-winning book Four Seconds: All the Time You Need to Stop Counter-Productive Habits and Get the Results You Want! Today we’ll talk about stopping the clock and finding the time to make smart decisions, how to take steps forward, and how to take the time to assess the situation, without taking so long the ship goes down. We’ll also talk about Ted Talks, Ditching the Need to be Perfect, returning iPads, when a missing Rabbi’s a good thing, why an experience is better than a performance, why it’s so important to keep from being in Sea Kayaker magazine and why getting flipped upside, pinned, and spun out in the grand-canyon can actually help you relax. Questions and Topics Include: