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HOW TO GET GUIDANCE FOR THE NEW YEAR!!! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted guidance and direction for the new year, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking about stepping back, getting guidance, and catapulting yourself into the new year! That plus we’ll talk about an end to the shred zone, the power of GLAD lamps, getting 1000 pounds strong, a miracle December that keeps on getting better! And what in the world’s a Mookie! HOW TO GET GUIDANCE FOR THE NEW YEAR!!! What we learned from Maui What it means to move to expand What’s “the dance” or the co-creation with the Universe What does it mean to get light? What are GLAD or SAD lamps? What does it mean to get in sync What’s a mookie? What Byron Katie experienced after a kundalini rising experience Different New Year’s tools to help you wake up and start the year on a new note What it means to awaken your heart for the new year What you want to get in your calendar for the New Year How vacations and pauses can help us move forward What we can learn from Sylvia Bornstein of Spirit Rock, who wrote