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THE POWER OF VISUALIZATIONS TO CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!!! Marc Allen | Shakti Gwain | Health | Self-Help | Inspire



---Consider today’s show the Law of Attraction in Action!--- If you’ve ever wanted to heal, overcome challenges, bring in more prosperity, or live the life of your dreams, then do we have the Creative Visualizations show for you. Today I’ll be speaking with Marc Allen, leader, writer, author, and composer and the co-founder of New World Library along with Shakti Gwain on her groundbreaking book, that’s just hit it’s 40th anniversary, with over seven million copies sold, Creative Visualizations. Today we’ll talk about Shakti Gwain’s 8 million copy international best-selling book, and the creative visualization and affirmation techniques she teaches. This is one of our all-time best interviews for sharing powerful techniques, rather than philosophy, on exactly how to do visualizations, how to do affirmations, and how to attract into your life whatever you desire. Law of Attraction Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:   What happened to Marc Allen before his thirtieth birthday? How did visualizations