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LEARN HOW TO LEARN & DISCOVER YOUR HIDDEN POTENTIAL!!! Barbara Oakley, PhD | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you've ever wanted to re-invent yourself (at any age) learn a new skill, start a new career, or simply expand your mind, then today's Mindshift show with Dr. Barbara Oakley, teacher of the world's most popular online class "Learn How to Learn" is for you!!! Today we’ll be talking about Mindshifts, or how to shift your mind to a new perspective, or direction, to truly reinvent yourself in life. We’ll talk about her re-inventions, from studying Russian, joining the army, working a radio in the south pole, and going to back to school, after flunking math through high school, to become an engineer! And we’ll talk about how you can learn how to learn and make a mindshift to do or become anything you want in life!!! Shift Your Mind Shift Your Life Topics Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How’d she end up on her career path from the army to Russia to the South Pole and on to engineering—after having flunked high school math! What is a massive online class and what does it have to do with Mindshift