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ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS BY GOING WITH THE FLOW!!! Jessica Lee | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Happiness | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to achieve something really big, and wondered if you have to PUSH like crazy to do, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll talk about pushing hard, versus going with the flow. When to push, when to rest, when to run like crazy, and when to head for the hammock. Go with the Flow Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:  How Jessica ended up trying boogie-boarding? What Jessica learned from her 1 ½ year old niece? What Jessica is doing for intention work first thing in the morning? How Jessica is working to raise her vibrations early in the day? What Jessica jots down in intention work to help with her day? Why we want to look at our parents, and even our parents’ parents to understand our patterns? Why we often have patterns of martyring ourselves and what it means? What we can learn from looking at our parents habits? Why these habits of pushing ourselves may not serve us. Why you don’t need to push or punish yourself just to prove your passionate about something. Why you d