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HOW TO FIND MAGIC FROM YOUR MORNINGS! CJ Liu | Law of Attraction | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted more time in your life, then do we have the morning miracle power show for you! Today we’ll talk about the power of the mornings, how to harness it, tap into it, and how to ride it for all it’s worth, AND why in the world, it can be so helpful for your life! Morning Miracle Magic Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:  What to do when your morning fall’s apart. What it means to compartmentalize and be with the task at hand. How mindfulness can help you in the moment during times of crisis. What we can learn from Victor Frankl and Man’s Search for Meaning What is logo therapy and how can it help us? What it means that something meaningful is happening What it means to lean in and confront your pain and challenges? What are morning rituals? How can reviewing your past day help you? What kind of morning measurements can you make? What’s the importance of an evening routine to help your mornings. How to shift goals in your mind so that you can hit your goals? What’s the importance o