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HOW TO SEE THE POSITIVES – EVEN WHEN YOU’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE!!! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to feel better about life, or exactly where you are, then do we have the how to go in circles, without going insane, show for you! Today we’ll talk about spiraling upwards, what it means, what it looks like, and why, though you might feel like you’ve gone backwards, you’re actually move up, and perfectly right on path! Spiraling Upwards Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:  What we can learn about Thanksgiving and rats How Sir Meowsers and Lumi came to Michael from his meditations How Jessica brought Michael to Taos New Mexico How Michael and Jessica are getting pulled back to Colorado What it means to return places, and why it doesn’t mean your stuck Why revisiting experiences in life doesn’t mean you haven’t changed. What it means to spiral upwards? Why our experiences matter on our journey? What it means that you’re a new person? What it means to focus on opening your heart, feeling the flow of energy, and surrendering? What it means to be in the period of the void? What it