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WHY YOUR FOOD MAY BE KILLING YOU & WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Dr. Joel Fuhrman | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted better health and a longer life, for you or a loved one, then do we have the Fast Food Genocide show for you.  Today I’ll be talking with repeat guest Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a true champion in the fight for a healthier tomorrow, the NY Times bestselling author of Eat to Live, and the author of one the most brilliant must read books for your health, and those you love, Fast Food Genocide. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how processed foods came about, why they’re killing us, and what we can do about it! Fast Food Genocide Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What is fast food genocide? What does fast food really mean these days? And what is the maltrition we’re almost all facing? What’s going on in African American communities? What does it mean, the lower the nutrients in the food we eat, the more calories we crave What are toxins being added to our foods? What’s wrong with oils, even the ones we’re told are healthy. What’s a toxic load? What are foo