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HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS! THE SECRET TO CREATING YOUR REALITY!!! Mike Dooley | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted more abundance, happiness, and direction in your life, then do we have the Life on Earth show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Mike Dooley, one of the stars in the secret, a repeat NY Times best-selling author, and the author of an amazing book chok-full of wisdom and guidance, Life on Earth. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about understanding who we are, how we got here, what may lay ahead, and how thoughts become things. Was Mike Dooley’s family spiritual or religious? What was church like for Mike growing up? When did he first start getting realizations? How did different books start changing his life? What was the hypnosis he started working with in High School? Which books were transformative for him in High School? What happened his freshman year of college? How did the books then change his life and his trajectory? What great realization did he come to, and what were the big-picture questions he was asking. Why did he get into accounting? How’d he man