Morris Sussex Sports

Mike Genovese Guides His 2008 Livingston Football Team on a Magical Ride



You don't have to be a football fan to be able to fall in love with this story.  In 2008, Livingston quarterback Mike Genovese led his Lancer team through a roller coaster season that took everyone who witnessed it through every emotion possible.   It started in the spring of Genovese's junior season when his close knit group of friends suffered the loss of their classmate and beloved friend Brielle who passed away due to a fast moving cancer.  After dedicating their senior football season to Brielle, it seemed like the wind was at their back as they were steam rolled past their competition.  However, things were about to take a turn for the worse. At 5-0, Livingston lost an overtime barn burner of a game against West Morris.  Not only did they lose the game, but they also lost their star player Genovese with a broken hand.  The following week they lost again to Roxbury and it seemed their playoff hopes where about to disappear without without the story book ending they had hoped for. But instead of feeling s