Morris Sussex Sports

Kevin Saum's Near Death Concussion & His Triumphant Recovery



In this episode, we interview former West Morris Central runningback Kevin Saum. Kevin suffered a traumatic brain injury called Second Impact Syndrome (SIS) during a high school football game against Morris Knolls on October 5, 2007. SIS has a 50% mortality rate and nearly 100% morbidity rate, yet Kevin miraculously survived with full cognitive and physical abilities, but was no longer able to pursue his dream of playing college football. Although Kevin knew how fortunate he was, his transition to life after sports was trying. Despite his disappointment and depression, Kevin felt inspired to be the voice for those athletes who weren’t as lucky as he was and cannot share their story. Heads ‘N Tales was created to be a platform where athletes can share their tales of perseverance to help inspire anyone in their time of need. After graduating from Georgetown with a master’s degree in sports industry management and with hopes of raising concussion awareness and improving sports safety, Kevin Saum established the