Talking Financial Literacy Podcast,

Talking Fin Lit Ep. 16 Indy Kids: Learning from Global News, Email:



Join us for a one-of-a-kind episode: creating meaningful financial literacy lessons from the global news. Mark finds terrific resources for building creative and powerful lessons about global economics and world hunger through youth based materials, news articles and video reports on the web. Listen in for the compelling experience of a 21st century teacher developing meaning and learning experiences.This is a vibrant illustration of how educators can incorporate critical current events, financial literacy and digital media into active classroom activities. Join us for a journey into what drives food markets, food shortages and pricing. A truly interdisciplinary lesson equals literacy, social studies, politics, economics, ethics, values, social responsiblity, and oh yes financial literacy! Always filled with resources and lively discussion, The Talking Financial Literacy Podcast. Join hosts Mark Gura and Dr. Kathleen P. King (Kathy) for another episode of this series which provides professional development an