Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Lise Cartwright | $1,000 A Month Side Hustle



Self-Made Side Hustle Expert Lise Cartwright talks with Mitch Matthews for the DREAM. THINK. DO. Podcast. Listen To The Podcast:    “You’re a relative expert in pretty much everything you do on a daily basis.” Tweet This Do you have a dream, but you don't have the money to pursue it? No problem!  Joining Mitch Matthews is New Zealand's own Lise Cartwright.  Lise is a self-made expert on the art of working the side hustle. When she felt unsatisfied with her job, Lise started freelance writing to exercise her creative muscles and earn some extra money.  After 18 months of continually expanding her clientele, she handed in her resignation at her "bad fit" job and became a full time writer.  Now Lise has found her true passion... writing books (she’s published 6 books in just 5 months!).  Plus, she's dominated the Amazon charts!  Now, she wants to help you find success with your own "side hustle." “Done is better than perfect.” Tweet This Money is an obstacle that often trips up a person before they ever