Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Jonathan Levi | Thinking Bigger Through Remembering More



Jonathan Levi shares his strategies for speed reading and remembering more with Mitch Matthews on this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast Listen To The Podcast:        My guest for this week's DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast is Jonathan Levi. When I first heard about Jonathan, I was blown away. By his mid-twenties he'd started multiple companies. (Some went down in flames and some were freakishly successful.) He'd traveled the globe. (He lives in Tel Aviv now.) He'd created products and helped other companies to do the same. So yeah... I was impressed. But as I dug into his story I found out that one of the secrets behind his success was how he had trained himself to read faster and remember more. (Plus, I found out he was teaching other people how to do that too!) So I just had to interview him... because we can all dream bigger and think better... if we're able to remember more! Listen in as Jonathan gives you tangible strategies that focus on improving memory; reading faster and living bigger! “