Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

DON’T Follow Your Dreams



Today is a deep dive on the 5 W’s of experimenting with your dreams, on this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast. Listen To The Podcast:    DON’T follow your dreams. Yeah, you read that correctly. And yes, this is still the same podcast. I don’t want you to follow your dreams because your dreams aren’t something that you should chase.  It shouldn’t sound as if they’re almost always out of reach. Instead, I want you to experiment with your dreams!  That’s what this episode is about: a deep dive on the 5 W’s of experimenting with your dreams. As you probably know, the entire Dream. Think. Do. revolution is modeled after the scientific method, so of course I encourage you to experiment! Experimenting allows you to learn quickly and limit risk so that your dream is even more attainable. Therefore, I’m giving you 5 easy questions that will help you investigate effectively. [Tweet "“When you figure out your why, your how will come.” @mitchmatthews #dreamthinkdo"] What, When, What, Who, and Why. These