Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

The Experiment List



In this episode of the DREAM. THINK. DO. podcast Mitch Matthews shares how to take the pressure off when trying new things by experimenting and creating a The Experiment List. Listen To The Podcast:        Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever felt like you were in a rut? Well… you’re going to want to listen to this DREAM.THINK.DO. episode. We’ll help you to break out of that feeling of being locked up and get you moving in new directions! But first, has anyone ever given you the advice to create a “bucket list?” You know… a list of things you want to do before you die. It’s good advice. Coming up with a list like this can be a powerful tool that inspires people to live a life filled with freakishly cool experiences! BUT… there’s a problem with creating a list like this. A BIG problem. In this episode… I talk about the hidden pitfalls that can happen with bucket lists and with goal setting in general. No… I’m not talking about the risks of common bucket list items like skydiving (yikes)… or bun