Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee

Ep. 19 Tele-class: Negotiating in Emotionally Smart Way



According to Ivy League experts in behavioral psychology, how you *feel* about the negotiation process, partner, and your negotiation capabilities have an outsized impact on your negotiation success. Contrary to popular misconception, emotions rule in negotiation. Smart negotiators prepare a logical case. Masterful negotiators use advanced emotional intelligence to connect with their counterparts in a meaningful way to create durable agreements that unlock benefit for both sides of the table. --- This is an hour-long advanced teleclass for women on the rise, who want to master advanced emotional intelligence so they can negotiate with thriving success. In this tele-class, I teach: - How to deal with negative emotions, so you don't get sidetracked, antagonize your negotiation partner, or sabotage your outcomes. - How to generate positive emotions, so you can create goodwill, enhance your relationship, and generate best possible negotiated agreements.