Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Freedom through Choosing to Listen to the Voice of the Higher Self



Manifesting in life is a direct result to living in the higher vibrations of positivity, love, faith, courage, joy and freedom.  Many times, though we listen to the voice of fear which continues to create more of that in life.  We can make a new choice.  The biggest freedom of choice we have is to listen to the inner voice of faith and operate from that place. This talk will talk about this and then take you in a meditative process.Which voice will you choose to listen to? The loud voice of worry, or the voice of faith, strength, courage?  Learn how to hear the quiet voice of faith when loud voices dominate, and how to choose it more often! Claim your freedom, and experience a spiritual process to give you back more of your choices!Soul Soup provides a little food for your soul and warmth for your heart!  A Live Spiritual Webinar www.soulsoup.onlineKeys to Happiness for free processes and meditations Donations: