:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 107: Open Our Eyes



Maybe the first requirement for having vision is to open our eyes. When we open our eyes to the hurting, we may be inspired with a comforting vision. When we open our eyes to those who are being oppressed by others, we may arrive at a vision that sets the captives free. When we open our eyes to the lost nature of sin, we may develop a vision to bring salvation and hope. Our vision to be a church without walls can motivate us to move beyond ourselves. Our vision to be fully engaged in serving the people of our community aligns us with the very work of Jesus who came not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. What might happen if a whole church of people shifted from seeking to be served (having it my way, matching my tastes, comfortable to my style, etc.) to really be committed and fully engage all the time wherever we are (our community at the moment), to being a servant like Jesus? We might just change the world.This week one of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS asked: What do you “see” in the f