
Unpolished 26: An Unpolished Journey Interview With Monica Packer



“People get caught up in not starting something because they don’t think it’s going to be successful. That’s the biggest failure of all—to not even start. Nothing is a failure if it’s leading you to something else or helping you grow.” In this episode of the Unpolished Journey, we talk to fellow podcaster Monica Packer of About Progress. Monica Packer is a podcaster, writer, and recovering perfectionist.  She is a wife and mother of four young children, living in the San Francisco East Bay. Monica is passionate about empowering women to find, develop, and own their own gifts by refusing to be held back by their fears of imperfection.    We talk about the messy and stressful process of jumping in and starting something new, what Monica learned about herself from starting a blog and then a podcast, and why it’s important to do and try things in order to discover what our gifts are. In her work, Monica has found that everyone wants to know what their gifts are, but the purpose is the process of discovering w