Planeslip: Echoes Of Creation

Episode X: Behind the Curtain (Demaia Had to Work and We Got Bored)



Demaia had to work and Oraan was late so we sat down and pulled back the curtain to discuss bad movies, Warhammer 40k and every other unrealated thing under the sun! We will be back to the regularly scheduled game next week, we apologize for the interruption. A home brew 5th edition dungeons and dragons podcast taking place in a hand crafted setting. What do a Retired inland mariner and 4 people who responded to a late night reddit post have in common? A love for a good story and Table top RPG's. Join us as Whiskey company explores the world of Runia Piecing together the shattered fragments of the titan of justice Soundtrack: Thatched villagers by Kevin Macleod ( licensed under creative commons by attribution 3.0 license This game is played using the Dungeons and Dragons(D&D) 5th Edition Rule set. All rights concerning D&D belong exclusively to Wizards of the Coast(WotC). We are expressly forbidden from charging you to use or access this content. This