Episode 00 Who Is The Fit Institute And What Do We Do

Episode 00 Who is the FIT Institute and What do We Do?



00-Min 1             Financial Institute Training: Understanding the impact of student loan debt on the debtor Min 1                   Rose McConnell is an attorney. Developed interest in debt following 2008 financial crash. Min 2                   Interest rates at historic lows. Takeaway: they will go higher! Min 2:43              Creditors expect to be repaid and educational debt won’t just be forgiven Min 3:30              Student Loan Debt has doubled between 2010 and 2016 Min 4                   First season is focused on the upfront costs of student loan debt and the risk of those loans as further discussed in Ms. McConnell’s book, Shun Student Loans, which is available on Amazon Min 5                   New episodes will be released weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Sign up on Itunes or Stitcher and submit questions and comments on the Contact page of fit.institute. We want to address your questions and concerns