Boiling The Ocean

In-Betweenisode 4: Flipping the script: A consultant's take on life



​Normally, we apply the consultant’s toolkit to everyday life ​and problems. Today, we’ll be flipping the script: we talk about everyday life with a consultant - namely, our friendly neighborhood superhero Mike. Think of this as an X-Ray into the management consultant's mind - but it's far more interesting than that sounds! ​I​n this episode, these are just some of the things Mike gets grilled about​...​​ 1. ​His misadventures​: before finance, law and consulting​,​ with a gig that is far​ more​ interesting​ as a bounc​er​ in a New Mexico bar!​ 2. ​What he thinks his superpower is​. 3. His favorite question to ask a prospective hire​.​ 4. Does he use 2 x 2 matrices at home? Does he talk to his children about their competitive advantage? Does he assign chores with a Gantt chart or just with an excel spreadsheet?​ 5. ​The one thing that he believes in that most others think is insane​.​ ​6. ​The one book he's given most as a gift​. 7. ​If he could invite three people to dinner - across time and space - who woul