Rapp Report

Are Christians falling into the media’s trap with gun control | Rapp Report Weekly 002 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity



After the school shooting in Florida, many in the media started laying a trap for Christians associating guns with Christianity rather than the U.S. Constitution. Are Christians falling into the media’s trap with gun control? This episode will address a concern with churches that are using church services that should be for the worship of God for the celebration of guns. Should Christians support this? Here is the video played on the podcast of a church celebrating their guns in church and the reaction to it from CBS news: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/witnesses-describe-harrowing-florida-bridge-collapse-its-totally-smashed-to-the-ground/ Other resources mentioned: Let’s Repeal Second Amendment Christianity What The Bible Says About Gun Rights Should Christians Support Gun Control? ———————————————————————— Striving for Eternity is having a Preacher’s Bible giveaway. We are giving away a Preachers Bible designed by John MacArthur to one person on April 15th. To enter the contest you must share the Rapp Report