Journeythroughthegate's Podcast

Journey Through The Gate's Truly Ghostly Episode ONE



Your host, Sysco walks you through a tour of types of ghosts! Using real accounts and retellings of famous and brand new true examples! On the tour you will meet Intelligent Ghosts, Residual Hauntings, Poltergeists, Animal Spirits and Ghosts of Inanimate Objects! Along the way we talk about EVPs, Time Slips, Mediums, Physics, and some pretty famous Ghost Hunters! This episode is dedicated to Hans Holzer and we explore his time honored methods. We visit  Civil War ghosts, a World War II soldier with an interesting tale, learn a bit of history, and even hear as a ghost helps solve a murder mystery!                 Do you believe in ghosts? Walk through the gate with me tonight and let's see if we can find one or two! Do you have an experience with the uncanny? Let us know! Email us at , Become a GateKeeper on our group page on Facebook....What's on the other side of the gate? Let's find out together!