Ventures In Tech | Discussing The Ever-changing Worlds Of Vc, Startups, & Tech

The Economics Of Venture Funding [Episode 5]



Episode Transcript: ADAM MCGOWAN: Welcome to episode five of Ventures in Tech, brought to you by Firefield. This is Adam McGowan and on today’s show we’re going to discuss the economics of venture funding and the forces that can hurt the alignment of interests between entrepreneurs and their investors. I’m again being joined by my colleague from Firefield, Henry Reohr, who’ll be guiding today’s chat. And with that, I’ll let Henry take it away. HENRY REOHR [00:36]: Adam, I’ve heard numerous investors talk about the alignment between their interests and those of the founding teams in their portfolios. It’d seem that both investors and entrepreneurs want to see the company succeed but I’ve heard you describe cases where investors and founders don’t see eye to eye. Can you explain? ADAM MCGOWAN [00:56]: Sure. I think the key element here is the fact that investors can come in many different shapes and sizes. And I’m talking about institutional investment from the likes of venture capitalists. The common trait wit