Feminist Sleeper Cell

Episode 6: A Sponge Bath Full of Hope



Julie runs into some TSA-assholes and well, that never goes well. On top of all the other violence in the world, domestic terrorism at abortion clinics is skyrocketing. You’ll never guess who’s to blame. HINT it ain’t feminists… Plus we’ll give you some good news to send you off on your weekend with at least a sponge bath full of hope. Episode 6 Show Notes: (NICOLE) Surge of Violence towards clinics. due to Trump. (LIZZ) Kara Eastman, a Pro-Choice Dem primarying an Anti-Choice Dem, yet there’s no support for her… MEANWHILE… EMILY’s List is pumping roughly $1 million into a race to stop an anti-choice Democratic prosecutor in a primary election set for May 15, the same day as Nebraska’s. DOUBLE MEANWHILE IN NY’S 24TH CONGRESSIONAL PRIMARY RACE… NEAR SYRACUSE ANTI CHOICE DEM ALSO IN DEM PRIMARY (JULIE) Facebook Backs out of Ireland Then Google jumps on board too. Six Degrees of Abortion Separation: Gina Haspel is Trump’s CIA pick And this is how she is horrendously connected to abortion. DONATE to Lady