Feminist Sleeper Cell

Episode 5: Humorless Hypocrites



Will Iowa pass a law that bans abortion before you even know you are pregnant? [UPDATE: Yes, Iowa did pass the 6-week ban] AND What happens when you give all the family planning money to people who “plan” to fuck you over with it? Plus, so many humorless hypocrites, so little time- we’re gonna TALK WHCD. All that and some misc patriarchy, live from the feminist sleeper cell. Episode 5 Show Notes: (NICOLE) * Office of Refugee Resettlement Brochure Mandate *A Woman’s Right to Know *New York Times Breakdown of Scott Lloyd *Conscience and Religious Freedom Division *New Texas Pamphlet of Lies (LIZZ) * Rewire Piece on Earn While You Learn * Earn While You Learn website * Heritage House 76 * Rewire All Day y’all (JULIE) * Iowa 6-week ban * North Carolina Motorcycle Abortion Bill * Slate’s look at Iowa * What will the Iowa Gov do? * Wasted Tax Money Fighting Abortion Bills * Heart cells beating DONATE to Lady Parts Justice