Drive-in Saturdays

48 -- Chandelier Goblin



This week we watched the greatest film of the 20th century, and also Citizen Kane. Unreliable narrators! Fictionalised biopics that made their subjects really mad! Flashbacks! Non-murder mysteries! The passage of time! The price of wealth and fame! Pieces so personal to their directors that even Saoirse has to acknowledge auteurist readings! Join us as we discuss the overall Drive In Saturdays philosophy; The Queer Youth Experience; Dorian's dad, fashion icon; what counts as an effects shot; our new dream job; why Watchmen is not a gateway comic; Una O'Connor as the aptly-named Ms. Not Appearing In This Film; YA novel The Hate U Give; and what Saoirse and Kesha have in common. Music: - David Bowie, Drive In Saturday and Velvet Goldmine - Shudder To Think, The Ballad of Maxwell Demon - Grant Lee Buffalo, The Whole Shebang - Olivia Newton John, Xanadu - The White Stripes, The Union Forever Menu: - I believe we forgot to do this for the VG segment but I humbly suggest champagne and edible glitter - 4th of July t