
Unpolished 18: Joy Hangovers and Gratitude



Have you ever thought that you can be grateful for something and appreciate what it offers to your life, even if you really don’t like that thing (like taxes or a corporate job)? This nugget of wisdom comes out of a discussion around a joy hangover Stacy experienced for the first time. We talk about what this looks like in each of our lives and how it relates to: The human tendency to categorize things as black and white Why zebras don’t get ulcers (great book if you haven’t read it: https://www.amazon.com/Why-Zebras-Dont-Ulcers-Third/dp/0805073698) The undercurrent of anxiety from being a human and processing so much information each day The need to live from a conscious place as technology and the modern world we live in makes it much harder to live by instinct and default The importance of paying attention to signs and listening for feedback Giving the hard stuff a purpose After listening to this episode, come join our growing community on Facebook or Instagram. We would love to hear your st